Madrid, Spain, 2011-06-09
(09:00- 19:00)
“Instituto para la Calidad Turística Española”
C/Raimundo Fernández Villaverde, 57
28003 Madrid-Spain
Madrid, 2011-06-09
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Roll call of delegates
3. Adoption of the agenda (N01)
4. ISO and basic concepts
5. ISO TC 228 background and WG9 establishment. Composition *
6. Main terms and definitions for working basis. Definition of “Industrial Tourism” for the purpose of this WG
7. Index and structure of the standard
- Proposals received *
8. Distribution of tasks
9. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting
10. Any other business
11. Approval of resolutions
12. Closure of the meeting
*pending to distribute
ETIQUETAS: normalización, wg9, Industrial Tourism,
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Instituto para la Calidad Turística Española
C/ Raimundo Fernández Villaverde 57, 28003 Madrid
Teléfono: 91 533 10 00